Free Helpdesk Software and Customer Experience

Support your customers with the our online IT free, secure help desk software.

A good customer support experience builds the reputation, loyalty, and trust in the product or services offered. Customers value a prompt and effective response. A support ticket system is a better method of collecting and dealing with customer questions, requests or reported issues. It is specifically designed for organizing and tracking all the fixes and replies made for a service request or for technical support. If a ticketing software is not in place, there is no way to ensure that the tickets are read and resolved by the right person or agent. The help desk practices support effectiveness between the business and the customer. Also the diagnostics of customer effort, pain points, customers questions and wait times. Thereby helping customers achieve their goals.

Constant learning from the data analytics and customer feedback is the only way to improve the quality and efficiency of support experience. The learning helps to measure how customers respond and then decide whether to pivot or improve the customer support process. Customer assistance, service and support can get only better with user-friendly intuitive helpdesk software, real-time reports, continuous training and personal development of agents. Most organizations recognize the need of a good customer experience (CX), delivering consistently on your support and services, and providing customers an optimized experience, drives revenue and increased brand value.

In recent years Customer Success has become a formalized and systematized process with the help of technology. Customer Success is a proactive approach to ensure your customers are fully informed and enabled to realize the value of the offered products and services.

IT Decision Making - (ITDM)
  • Optimized Experience
  • User-Friendly
  • Good Customer Experience
  • Intuitive Reports
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Compliance and Security
Free helpdesk

10 steps to achieve a better customer experience with helpdesk platform.

Deploy the raiseaticket free ready-to-start web helpdesk software, which provides detailed insights about support requests (tickets) across your organisation for all tickets received, resolved, assigned, unassigned, pending and overdue, together with client and agent responses as well as category sorting. The web-based helpdesk software needs to be simple, intuitive and easy to use.

Helpdesk Insights Reports

Once the email or web ticketing software is in place, anyone in your organization could have insights such as which customer needs a quick answer, what requires immediate attention or if there is an unresolved critical issue, within minutes. This helps to reduce the support backlog and improve the support process. Given that email accounts are unable to be assigned to specific agents, you will often run into the issue of having multiple employees corresponding to and working on tasks for the same support ticket, often with different answers.

This issue of task duplication is not only inefficiency, further ramifications to this matter are that the teams appear disorganised, while the clear lack of communication between the agents results in lower client confidence in the organisations ability to solve their queries in an accurate and timely fashion. This, in turn, reflects unfavorably on an organisation's reputation.

Train your agents and teams about the product and services handled which includes its benefits, features, and performance, and could make knowledgeable recommendations to customers. The helpdesk platform should be simple and intuitive for easy handling of tickets for the agent. Create groups for individual departments (like Sales, Billing, HR) to handle their own support instead of having a centralized customer support team to handle all support requests or tickets. Establish proper customer communication strategies on the helpdesk channels with your trained support team.

Helpdesk Insights Reports

Define the SLA for your customer support process based on the operating hours for the helpdesk workflow. SLA help to organize the tickets based on the urgency for different customers following unique business hours and thus prioritize among other pending tickets.

Helpdesk Insights Reports

Build a knowledge base repository for how-to's, troubleshooting, best practices, work examples, templates and procedural information with the knowledge base feature. Any agent could login to the helpdesk portal and choose from a list of all current and past tickets, and see a one-page summary of the results in the helpdesk. Over time, these results become the de-facto standard for building knowledge base articles which help in resolving tickets faster. Customer peer perspective is more trusted the organization perspective, hence collaborate to develop and enhance customer-oriented content on the free helpdesk system.

Helpdesk Insights Reports

Make sure your customers can submit tickets via multiple channels. Also, a simple web portal will be easy for customers to submit requests.

Raiseaticket free helpdesk is designed as a single source support platform for multi-vendor IT ecosystem, this helps especially the Managed Service Providers (MSP) to streamline support.

Managed Service Providers (MSP) could deploy Raiseaticket as a single point of contact for extending their support with their business partners in Data Centre services, OEM products, System Integrations, Network, Infrastructure, Storage, Security and Development.

Build-in reports

Report is a basic requirement of any business process, reports help in making critical decisions by analyzing all the data together in a customized way. The free helpdesk provides custom reports to improve your customer experience and measure your team effectiveness through data-driven performance insights.

By selecting the required fields and filters in custom reports, admin can get a comprehensive knowledge of their help desk strategies. You can track performance in real time through a powerful dashboard, accessing reporting that provides insights and metrics, thus enabling better business decisions and improved efficiency based on KPI.

Helpdesk Insights Reports

Data Visualizations are effective to see how summarizations and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) change over time. Trends are spotted easily. These insights without complex queries help to identify avenues for support improvement, new service offerings and added revenue.

Helpdesk Insights Reports

Email notification to customers on the status of tickets will help them to understand the ticket workflow. With a helpdesk ticketing system, each team member receives a notification when the support ticket arrives. Additionally, all members can follow the progress of the ticket via notifications when the status is updated. Also keep your support team in the loop by messaging them in the channels of Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Tag tickets with a keyword or phrase assigned to a ticket to describe or identify an issue or query. These tags help to relate the tickets and context the queries or requests. Tags help to identify frequent tickets on a similar issue and thereby prioritize and allocate required resources for their resolution and have support under control.

Helpdesk Insights Reports

Feedback on closed tickets from customers will help to identify the pain points in the support process and thereby fix it in an efficient way. Keep an eye on the number of support tickets by severity, frequency of responses with the customer, known complaints and dissatisfaction. Always measure the churn in order to reduce it. Customer churn is a key business driver and customer effort is a great indicator of loyalty. Identify and compensate if the problem arise from the customer or the product or the support team.

Customers tend to speak in the language of their requirements, and it is the organization's responsibility to develop and update the solutions to those requirements. Once you begin to think and talk in terms of your customers, it completely changes how you manage your interactions with help desk software. Nowadays customers are considered as of the important source of innovative ideas in the process of bug fixing or updating the product. It helps in improve product development, customer communications, content and quality controls.

  • Product Development
  • Customer Communications
  • Quality Controls
Free Helpdesk customer experience

All these add to improve your customer experience and a higher level of satisfaction. Customer complaints are usually associated with a lot of stigma. Organization don’t like to talk or hear about complaints because they are treated as stories of failure. It is important to change our attitude and start treating complaints and feedback as a source of actionable consumer insights.

Eliminate cluttered mailboxes and unaddressed customer requests with Raiseaticket free email ticketing software. Focus on what matters. Automate processes to increase effectiveness. Raiseaticket free ticketing system gives organizations a 360-degree overview of customer support. The web helpdesk ticketing tool is flexible, can easily be tailored to any organization and includes powerful realtime reporting to track various KPI. The support ticket system is intuitive and simple to setup and configure in few clicks.

All these enhancements contribute to elevating your customer experience and achieving higher levels of satisfaction. Customer complaints have often carried a negative connotation, creating a reluctance within organizations to acknowledge or address them, as they are often seen as accounts of failures. It is imperative to shift our perspective and begin treating complaints and feedback as valuable sources of actionable consumer insights.

Bid farewell to cluttered mailboxes and unresolved customer inquiries with Raiseaticket's free email ticketing software. Focus on what truly matters. Streamline your operations through automation for enhanced efficiency. Raiseaticket's complimentary ticketing system provides organizations with a comprehensive 360-degree view of their customer support landscape. This web-based helpdesk ticketing tool offers remarkable flexibility and can effortlessly adapt to the unique needs of any organization, bolstered by robust real-time reporting capabilities to monitor various key performance indicators. Setting up and configuring this support ticket system is a breeze, requiring just a few clicks to get started.

Ready to supercharge your customer support? With Raiseaticket free Helpdesk, you'll exceed your customers expectations your customers while streamlining your support processes. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your customer service - get started today!

Control your support experience, all in one platform.

Provide support and answers on your products, services, updates, incidents and issues with your experts on our 100% free helpdesk cloud platform.

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